Monday, February 13, 2023

Various Issues Popping Up Again

 For some reason the Raspberry-Pi stopped working last night.  It had power and was connected up, but I had nothing on the monitor, and could not connect remotely.  I had no choice but to hard power-down.  It came back up fine, and weewx started running, but after one update, it was no longer updating the wx data.  After trying many things, I had to to a memory dump, then clear memory on the Vantage logger.  Luckily these tools are built into weewx along with a good troubleshooting guide, otherwise I'd be still floundering.

One issue I have had with this Pi, is the HDMI connector.  I don't know if it is the cable, or the connector, but the connection is intermittent.  This seems to only affect the monitor, so I don't think it is related.  But if any of the other USB connectors were intermittent, it could be.

This is similar to the problems I was having a couple of years ago with my previous Raspberry-Pi.  I wasn't sure if the Raspberry-Pi (memory card) was part of the problem, but I was due for a refresh of everything anyway.  It did give me two years of no problems.  I'm hoping this isn't a recurring trend.

Back from the Brink

I have my weather website running again.  It was a major PITA to get things going.  I am partially to blame for not having a good backup sys...